Ham SandwicH: mad good fun on day one | Electric Picnic

Ham SandwicH opened the main stage at Electric Picnic this evening, and they didn't do half bad

Archive Video: Day one of Electric Picnic 2015 starts off with a bang as the crowds arrive, the music starts and tents are pitched.

It’s no easy task to open the main stage at Electric Picnic, but Ham Sandwich are only delighted to take the challenge. “We’re Ham SandwicH,” declares an overjoyed Niamh Farrell every few minutes, echoed by an equally excitable Podge McNamee, who can’t wait to get himself out into the audience.

Enthralling a crowd where half know all the words, and half just wandered over to see what was happening, the Kells band know what they’re at. You get the impression they could play your sitting room or this main stage, and still find a sound to fill the room.

Illuminate and Ants wrap up their set and get the crowd dancing. Ham Sandwich might just have been delighted to be on stage, but the crowd were treated to some uplifting good fun to start the weekend.

In three words: Mad good fun.


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Correction: This article has been changed as we originally stated the band was from Dundalk, rather than their real hometown of Kells, County Meath. Apologies to Ham SandwicH (and to Meath).