There are a couple of arts initiatives among the projects for which Dublin's Millennium Committee, Mile Atha Cliath, is seeking funding, under four themed headings: "Water", "Light", "Renewal" and "Connections". The proposal for a Grattan Book-market in a pedestrianised space on Grattan Bridge is under "Water", so presumably renewal and connections, much less light, are out of the question.
Kaleidoscope, described as the "biggest public arts project ever in Dublin" gets a "Renewal" tag, though it seems to be going heavy on connections; it is to culminate "in a public exhibition - a constantly evolving mosaic - connecting community interpretations of Dublin life in the year 2000 with symbols of personal significance, accessible to all the people of Dublin, their living imprint on the city, a dynamic tapestry with interwoven strands of Dublin life and talent, expressed in physical and cyberspace, a unique record of contemporary social history, preserved for generations to come." It sounds like a desperate mish-mash, particularly when you see the price-tag on it - £1 million - but perhaps it will turn out to be quite otherwise. The funding sought for the market is £1.3 million.
Other projects include a Millennium Cycle Track (£0.5 million, "Water"), a Millennium Footbridge linking Eustace Street with Ormond Quay (£1 million, "Connections"), a Liffey Boardwalk (£1.5 million, "Water"), and a project to light the Liffey bridges permanently (£1 million, you guessed it, "Light").
Further enquiries to Mile Atha Cliath, Dublin's Millennium Partnership, 16 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2; phone 01- 6616931.