Wild Things (18)

Wild Things (18)

Passed over for cinema release here despite its commercial success in the US and Britain last year, John McNaughton's twisting, teasing picture features Matt Dillon as a college guidance counsellor who loses his job and social contacts when a young socialite (Denise Richards) accuses him of rape. In the movie's sharpest performance, Bill Murray gleefully plays the ambulance-chasing laywer hired by Dillon.

Shot on sunny Florida locations, this yarn of double-crossing and counter-scheming gets off to a lively start with an entertaining first half which promises rather more than it delivers in the disjointed second half. A particularly good cast also includes Kevin Bacon, Neve Campbell, Theresa Russell, Robert Wagner and Carrie Snodgress.

Doctor Dolittle (PG)


The 1967 musical yarn which starred Rex Harrison gets a hi-tech updating, with lots of fart jokes added, in this tiresome remake which features Eddie Murphy on auto-pilot in the title role, as the man who can talk to the animals.

Inexplicably popular at the international box-office last year, it was directed by Betty Thomas, who made The Brady Bunch Movie and Private Parts.

Kissing A Fool (15)

Doug Ellin's feeble and witless would-be romantic comedy deals with a triangular relationship involving two close friends (Jason Lee and an irritating David Schwimmer) and the young woman (Mili Avital) who works with one and plans to marry the other. But it is far too contrived to engage the attention.