`We just hope that it doesn't go back, we hope that it stays the way it is at the minute'

Ann Taylor

Ann Taylor

42, Greenisland, Carrickfergus, Co Antrim

`I couldn't really say that the peace has had any effect on my life because I have never known troubles where I live. I suppose I'm one of the lucky ones not caught up in it. I can only go by my own views and what I see and at the minute, all I see is grown men getting on like ten year olds. You know, this is mine or that's mine or you can't have this unless we have this, instead of them coming together and trying to sort it out. Why worry if there was a battle 300 years ago or an uprising 70 years ago, it's today that counts.

"I think I'm in the majority of sensible people. The thing that annoys me most is that the ordinary working class people seem to be held to ransom by these extremists because it always seems to be the extremists that get their own way. I would love a better education system, better roads. There's lots of development going on at the minute, its great, it's all coming together but if one person shoots a gun or blows someone up, it just all stops. And it's not fair on people that have to go about their daily life. I think the bomb in Omagh was the straw that broke the camel's back, I really do.


"The foreigners that I take in the taxi are the best. A lot of the time they seem disappointed that there aren't riots on the streets. This morning I was taking two Canadians to the airport and they asked me if I could tell the difference between a Catholic and a Protestant by just looking at them. Can you imagine that?"