Various artists: The Soul of Black Peru (Luka Bop)
David Byrne gets a lot of slagging for head-hunting third world musicians for his Luka Bop label, but this is a serious juke-box of Afro-Peruvian classics: a sun-dried, transrhythmic blend of Spanish, Andean and African dances like the lando, samba malato, or the dangerously sexy Alcatraz. Over the swaying music, the Spanish-language lyrics are chilly, poetically coded spikes of melancholia and pride, devil-dances and murder. Among the exalted likes of Peru Negro, Byrne himself sings a feisty Maria Lando, also sung here with infinitely more delicacy by the divine Susana Baca, whose new album, Eco de Somras, with some seriously chilled New York jazz musicians, has also just been released on Uncle David's world-gurdy label.