Everyone has a friend like him: the solicitor who, despite the mounds of paperwork and the grind of land disputes, rightly believes himself to be more than just a suit and tie. But how to express oneself at work? The usual creative avenues are few: ties (note to men with a yen for novelty ties – don’t wear a sense of humour around the neck like a noose) and socks.
These cow-print socks from Happysocks.com, and also available at Arnotts, say "I may be a cow, but at least I'm not a sheep", while the giraffe print from the same site will look funny on a solicitor in captivity. Hosukai's Great Wave print in sock form is available from Hotsox.com, and says the wearer has taste so dodgy he will need to make a passionate closing statement to get himself off the hook. And the skull pattern on this McQueen pair, available at Mrporter.com, says you're out to win every case – and the price tag says you can't afford not to.
(R-L) Happy Cow socks, €9. Happy Socks giraffe, €9. Alexander McQueen Socks, €50. Great Wave Hot Sox, $10