Lilly Higgins: Fried rice with a spicy, fruity Caribbean twist

A summery version of an easy, quick family favourite making the most of leftovers

Caribbean-style fried rice

Leftovers are always a blessing. I like to cook a little extra chicken, rice or potatoes whenever I can because they have so many uses. Fried rice is one of my go-to dishes. It used to be for a quick and easy lunch but now, as my kids are getting bigger, they seem to need it after school, rugby training or swimming. Their appetites seem insatiable as they’re growing, my eldest being only 10.

A bowl of brown rice with some added protein such as egg or chicken is ideal fuel. They also love small cubes of fried chorizo and a tin of kidney beans stirred through. It’s fast food that is easy to make and nutritious.

For this dish, I’m changing up our regular fried rice and bringing some Caribbean flavours with Scotch bonnet chillies, allspice, thyme and juicy fresh pineapple. It’s a bright summery version of a family favourite.

You can use tinned pineapple for this, or keep an eye out in the freezer section for frozen pineapple, it’s so much nicer. If you do get fresh pineapple, it’s always fun to make the most of it and hollow the fruit out to make a pineapple boat. It’s a gorgeous way to serve this rice, or keep it for serving sorbet, fruit salad or ice cream.


Go that extra mile and use the pineapple skin to make tepache, a Mexican fermented drink. It’s very easy to make and requires only a few days to ferment by placing the skins in water with sugar. You’re rewarded with a fizzy probiotic-rich version of Lilt. I always do this if I get an organic pineapple and it’s great fun. There are lots of recipes online and I recommend serving it chilled with crushed mint.

To make the pineapple boat, cut the fruit in half, then use a smaller paring knife to cut out the fruit inside. Leave at least half an inch as a rim around the edge to form your bowls. Or just remove the top of the fruit to make one larger bowl.

Scotch bonnet peppers are named so because of their shape, looking like the traditional Scottish Tam o’Shanter hat. They’re spicy and slightly sweet, giving Caribbean dishes their unique flavour. If you can’t find them, then try using habanero, jalapeños or chilli flakes.They won’t be the same but will give that spicy heat.

This fried rice is a very handy one-pan dish that requires very little cooking time and has minimum clean-up. It’s ideal for busy week nights, and it can be eaten in bowls outdoors, making the most of those longer evenings as it gets warmer.

Recipe: Caribbean-style fried rice