Quinoa and pea hummus

Serves: 4
Course: <course>
Cooking Time: 0 hr 25 mins


  • <ul> <li>1 X 250g sachet of quinoa </li> <li>4 or 5 handfuls (literally) of frozen veg (peas, mange tout, green beans) </li> <li>Tomatoes</li> <li>Scallions, if you have some in the fridge</li> <li>Olive oil</li> <li>Tahini or almond butter, or 100g peanuts, almonds or cashews</li> <li>Small clove of garlic (optional)</li> </ul>

This serves four people. Allow 30 minutes preparation and cooking time. This, to me, is the whole point of my freezer. The extreme convenience it offers me during the sometimes difficult task of getting green, healthy things into my ravenous teenagers in 30 minutes.

Cook the quinoa in one pan of boiling water, and five minutes before it’s ready, cook a couple of handfuls of peas for one minute in another pan.

Lift them out with a slotted spoon and whizz them in a mini blender with the tahini (or peanuts, almonds or cashews) the garlic if you’re using it, and enough olive oil to loosen it all up. Chop the tomatoes and scallions finely.

Drain the quinoa and tip it into the serving bowl. Cook the rest of the mixed veg in the second pan. Drain, mix them through the quinoa with some olive oil, chopped tomato and scallions, salt and pepper.

Serve with the pea hummus on top or on the side, some wholewheat pitta and a green salad.