Raw blondie balls

Serves: 25
Course: Side Dish
Cooking Time: 1 hr 0 mins


  • Makes about 25
  • 185g walnuts
  • 40g maca powder
  • 40g lucuma powder
  • 60g hemp seeds
  • 400g prunes, soaked in water for 10 mins
  • 50g cacao nibs
  • Good pinch cinammon
  • Splash vanilla extract
  • 20g goji berries

In a food processor, blitz together the walnuts, two powders and the hemp seeds until it reaches a crumb-like consistency. Remove from the processor and set aside in a large bowl. Blitz the drained prunes, and let the processor break them down a bit before adding the nibs, cinnamon, vanilla extract and berries.

Mix together the dry, crumbly walnut mixture and the sweet prune paste. You could always add a few finely chopped dried apricots or even some lemon zest – this is relaxed baking. It’s up to you.

When the mixture is ready, you have two choices. You can either form it into little balls which you then roll in sesame seeds, or you can press the mixture into a lined baking tin and put it in the freezer before slicing it up later to form little bars.

Domini Kemp

Domini Kemp

Domini Kemp, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a chef and food writer