Why I love…yoga

It is about mindfulness and relaxation, creating a space where I can learn and grow

Yoga motivates me more than anything and I always find I come home after a class ready to take on the world.

“Yoga is not about touching your toes, it’s about what you learn on the way down.”

I love this quote. I’m often asked what I get out of yoga and I always reply with these wise words. I think yoga is often misunderstood. For me, it is about mindfulness and relaxation, creating a space where I can learn and grow. It’s my ‘me time’ – the time I give to myself every evening for my body and my mind.

I have always loved yoga and used to practice it at home with my daughter, Willow, but I often struggled to find the time to commit to doing it.

My days are non-stop and hectic, from getting my two girls ready in the morning to being in the midst of launching my new candle business, Jane Darcy – it's all go in our house! Yoga gives me the space I need to relax and unwind after a long day.


Yoga has so many benefits including fitness, flexibility, and relaxation but, for me, the most important thing is being able to switch off for those 60 minutes.

Yoga motivates me more than anything and I always find I come home after a class ready to take on the world. I relish this time to myself, and when my class is finished I love returning to the beautiful madness of family life waiting for me.

For anyone thinking of giving it a go, I will say that if the only thing you learn from yoga is how to breathe, it will be a valuable endeavour. After all, breathing is pretty vital.

My top tip is that yoga is a great before bedtime trick to get the kids off to sleep, so you can enjoy some extra me time.