Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle? I need to keep a clear head in my job and I like to have a positive outlook; exercise is fundamental to that. And, of course, in my job you can't afford to be lacking in energy so I go for wholegrains and plenty of fruit and I stay as far away as I can from processed foods.
How often do you exercise? I exercise at least once a day. With an eight-month-old child, it is restricted to walking but I intend to get back running. I walk or run in the woods near our house; it's a fantastic amenity and all off road. And with my work I am out walking a lot on the bogs surveying or meeting people on site. Do you get your five fruit and vegetables a day? We grow our own vegetables in the garden so in the summer there's no fear of not eating enough. It's more challenging in the winter but we try to harvest and freeze as much as we can.
Do you worry? If I find myself starting to worry, I stop and consider the possible outcomes and what use my worrying will do about them, and what harm it will do to me. That generally puts me back on the right track. I've been practising yoga for more than 10 years and I find it a great tool to regain perspective, centre myself and stay in the moment.
What do you do to relax? I just throw the car keys in the bottom of my bag, switch off the phone and enjoy the peace and quiet of our own home. There is nothing sweeter than time off with my family, whether it's out in our own back garden, walking in the woods or watching as my husband cooks up yummy food. What's your worst habit? I don't drink enough water, and that can bring on headaches and migraines. Portion sizes in our house are probably a little above the recommended level.
Catherine Farrell, senior ecologist with Bord na Móna, works to promote and develop the restoration, rehabilitation and creation of wetland and woodland habitats and industrial cutaway peatland.