€200m mixed-use scheme for Baldoyle appealed

Baldoyle residents have urged An Bord Pleanála to refuse Seán Mul-ryan's Helsingor Ltd planning permission for a €200 million…

Baldoyle residents have urged An Bord Pleanála to refuse Seán Mul-ryan's Helsingor Ltd planning permission for a €200 million residential development at Stapolin village, Dublin 13.

The proposed 413 apartments and civic centre are part of phase three of the Baldoyle Action Area Plan adjacent to the Dublin-Belfast rail line where a new station will be built. The civic centre would accommodate a supermarket, medical centre, a leisure centre, pub, restaurants and a crèche.

In its appeal to An Bord Pleanála, Abbey Park and District Residents Association says it's unclear why Fingal County Council approved the scheme when its planning officer expressed concerns over a number of issues, including the high proportion of single aspect and one-bed units, the levels of car-parking and the dwelling mix.

They contend that the development does not conform to the provision of the Baldoyle and Portmarnock action area with regard to housing mix because the development is entirely made up of apartments.


Other concerns include the density and height of the scheme, which rises to five storeys near Baldoyle Dart station.

However, the approved plans represent a considerable reduction of around 70 units on the original planning application.

Helsingor has also dropped plans to include a department store and over 10,000sq m (107,639sq ft) of offices in the civic centre. Two-bedroom apartments in the Coast section of Stapolin village have been selling from €345,000.

Around 4,000 homes are planned for the former Baldoyle racecourse and an adjoining 100-acre site in Portmarnock.

Seán Mulryan sold a 50 per cent stake in the Baldoyle and Portmarnock lands to Séamus Ross of Menolly Homes for €95 million in 2004.

Mulryan, whose main development company is Ballymore Properties, acquired the racecourse in 1999 from developer John Byrne.

Edel Morgan

Edel Morgan

Edel Morgan is Special Reports Editor of The Irish Times