Luxury apartments former Communist Party HQ

UrbanRedevelopment: The Communist Party has got the go-ahead from Dublin City Council to redevelop its headquarters at 43 East…

UrbanRedevelopment: The Communist Party has got the go-ahead from Dublin City Council to redevelop its headquarters at 43 East Essex Street in Temple Bar, Dublin 2.

The almost defunct party, which hasn't run in an election since late 1980s, has got permission to develop six luxury apartments in its office building in a reported €2 million deal with developer Mick Wallace. It moved into the building nearly 30 years ago and got full ownership in the 1990s. In return, he will renovate the ground floor and install a new bookshop and theatre.

The party reportedly had up until now resisted approaches from other developers, but as the building became more dilapidated, it agreed to this deal.

Edel Morgan

Edel Morgan

Edel Morgan is Special Reports Editor of The Irish Times