Manor Park plans new village on site of former D15 stud

Manor Park Homes has sought planning permission to develop a new village centre on the site of the former Ongar Stud between …

Manor Park Homes has sought planning permission to develop a new village centre on the site of the former Ongar Stud between Clonsilla and Clonee in Dublin 15. The scheme will include 243 homes and a series of two and three-storey buildings consisting of a medical centre, Montessori school, food take-away, financial services centre, mini-market, bar, restaurant and 16 shop units. There is a separate planning application for 403 homes on lands adjoining Ongar Stud at Hansfield Road.

In Donaghmede, An Bord Pleanala has confirmed the decision of Dublin City Council to refuse Gannon Homes planning permission for a mixed use village to include 1,944 homes. The board ruled that the development contravened the development plan. It also said that the proposal to provide vehicular access to a scheme of this size solely through Grange Road, a residential cul-de-sac, would create serious traffic congestion and result in serious injury to existing homes in the area.