Over 260 homes for Santry

Terry Devey's Heritage Properties has been granted permission for a major residential development at Shanowen Road in Santry, …

Terry Devey's Heritage Properties has been granted permission for a major residential development at Shanowen Road in Santry, Dublin 9 by An Bord Pleanála.

However, the board has reduced the number of units from 330, as originally sought, to over 260 with the overall height reduced by one storey, making the tallest block six storeys.

The development will consist of six blocks, designed by O'Mahony Pike, on the four-acre site of a former engineering works adjoining Shanowen Business Park. It will also have a crèche and over 400 car-parking spaces .

The decision will come as a blow to Westfield Residents Association and Shanowen Residents Association who appealed the development to An Bord Pleanála.


Westfield Residents Association is concerned that the height of the buildings and the extent of the glazing and balconies on the southern elevation would lead to overlooking.

Shanowen Residents Association said that the traffic generated by an additional 330 residents would create a problem and that the extra bodies would put pressure on local facilities. It also said it had concerns with regard to asbestos when the factory is demolished.

Heritage Properties responded that the site is currently redundant, does not directly adjoin residential developments and the separation distances meant there would be no overlooking. It contended that there is a good range of local services and the development would not put pressure on them.

An Board Pleanála agreed with the developer and ruled that the development would not seriously injure the amenities of the area and would be acceptable in terms of traffic safety.

Edel Morgan

Edel Morgan

Edel Morgan is Special Reports Editor of The Irish Times