Patterned rug and fairy lights add a touch of magic to children's bedrooms

THE BRIGHTLY coloured rug is central to the look and feel of this kid's bedroom at 9 Mount Pleasant Parade.

THE BRIGHTLY coloured rug is central to the look and feel of this kid's bedroom at 9 Mount Pleasant Parade. is a UK-based rug company with a vast array of funky, brightly coloured designs to suit whatever motif floats your little darlings' boats. It also delivers to Ireland.

Its Star pattern is particularly on trend this season while the Arte is similar in colourways to the rug pictured but more floral than square in terms of pattern.

The Star pattern comes in a variety of sizes from 70cmx140cm for €101 up to 200cmx300cm for €528. The Arte comes in one size only, 120cmx180cm, price €107 ex delivery.


Ikea Belfast is hard to beat when it comes to storage. Its Trofast storage system is a series of stepped chests of drawers with removable coloured plastic drawers - fun and functional. Meanwhile Avoca stores remain the best place to buy coloured and feathered fairy lights.