Number 26 Rugby Road, Ranelagh is one of those mellow brick period houses updated with flair and in such perfect walk-in condition that serious viewers will be tempted to come back for a second look. Agent Lisney is guiding £180,000-plus, a price within the range of those upgrading from a one or two-bedroom city apartment. Rugby Road is a quiet cul-de-sac off Oxford Road, minutes from Ranelagh village. Accommodation includes a bay-windowed drawingroom with reeded pine mantelpiece and cast-iron insert, polished wood floor and folding doors to the diningroom. The diningroom also has a cast-iron fireplace, bookshelves, a wine rack and wooden floor.
The kitchen has a good range of fitted cupboards with built-in electrical appliances including fridge/freezer and washer/ dryer, timber floor and a picture window overlooking the patio. An elaborate bathroom is at half landing level, with a corner bath, power shower, tiled floor and pine ceiling. The main bedroom has a cast-iron fireplace and built-in pine wardrobes. A second bedroom has built-in wardrobes.