How to stage your home
Despite our temperamental weather, patios, terraces and decks are becoming an important aspect of Irish homes. If presented properly they can be a valuable addition to your home and sold as an extra outdoor room.
But it's important to make sure these outdoor living areas are clean and pleasing to the eye. Lichens and mosses can be slippery and very unsightly. Try Jeyes' path, patio and drive cleaner, which costs 6.99 for a two-litre bottle in Atlantic Homecare (01-6055088). The concentrated formula is good for cleaning dirt and algae as well as removing light oil from concrete and stone surfaces.
If you have a deck, there is no excuse for it not looking as fresh and clean as the day it was installed. Try Ronseal's decking cleaner and reviver which makes dirt bubble up to the surface and brings the colour back (cost, 16.50 at Atlantic Homecare for five litres). For the finishing touches, get your hands on one of Ronseal's oils or stains. The oils soak into timber for a more natural look, while the stain will give your deck a new look in one of four colours.
Furniture should be clean, even in winter. If you are thinking of buying new garden furniture to show off your garden, avoid white plastic at all costs.
Remember that even small areas, like terraces and balconies, can benefit from a small table and one or two chairs. It instantly makes the space look useable and, if done properly, will add the sense of an extra living space to your home.
Small water features can look good but, if your house is a large family home, don't put in any feature that would be hazardous to children.
If that is a bit too involved and you only have a small terrace, consider a couple of outdoor plants for a bit of colour.