It's miles faster here!

Do you know your kph from mph? Most motorists have a rough idea that 80 kph is about 50 mph and 100 kph is 62 mph.

Do you know your kph from mph? Most motorists have a rough idea that 80 kph is about 50 mph and 100 kph is 62 mph.

Motorists easily get confused by statistics, especially when it comes to car performance, but at least we can count on the car companies to get it right. Right?

Mitsubishi issued a press release recently containing performance figures for the €36,995 Mitsubishi Outlander.

It came as a surprise to find that Irish Outlanders were quicker than those sold in the rest of the world.


By the time the SUVs performance figures made it across to the Irish press release, the 2.4-litre car had gained 1.3 seconds off its 0-100 kph time, down from 11.2 seconds to 9.9 seconds.

Not only that, but the Outlander could now reach a top speed of 203 kph (126 mph) up from 191 kph. That's roughly 8 mph faster.

When contacted, Mitsubishi rechecked their figures. After cross-checking MMC's figures with their own they put their hands up. Admitting to a bit of basic human error their representative immediately apologised for the mix up.

Mitsubishi is currently rectifying the error. They are not the first Irish motor company to issue the inaccurate figures, and probably won't be the last.

It is hardly Watergate but tribunals have been launched for less!