Motors quiz

Questions... and Answers

Questions... and Answers


1What kind of car is the Mazda Kaan?

2What percentage of cars in the Republic does the Government's new plan hope to have running on electricity by 2020?


3What does the acronym ETLG stand for in the Irish transport context?

4Why is Scottish inventor Robert Anderson important in the timeline of electric transport?

5Which car company produced the EV1, whose development began in the late 1980s?

6The Chevrolet Volt is due for launch in what year?

7Why is Chinese cellphone battery manufacturer BYD in the automotive news headlines?

8Who was Gaston Plante?

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1An electric racing car concept which won an award at last week's Los Angeles Auto Show.

210 per cent.

3Electric Transport Lobby Group.

4He invented the first crude electric carriage, powered by non-rechargeable primary battery cells.

5General Motors in the US.


7Because it plans to launch the world's first mass-produced plug-in hybrid car this month.

8He invented, in 1859, the lead-acid battery still used in cars today.