Survival of the reckless

REARVIEW: IN MOST species, natural selection sees off the individuals who are too stupid to survive.

REARVIEW:IN MOST species, natural selection sees off the individuals who are too stupid to survive.

Unfortunately, where humans are concerned, the stupid often take the innocent with them on their voyage to oblivion. Hence society needs to intervene by locking up some citizens to protect the rest of us.

I’d like to nominate a few. I don’t know their names, but I’ve seen dozens in the last few weeks, tailgating on tight, ice-bound country roads before overtaking recklessly and ploughing at inappropriate speeds into the foggy distance, often on very, very short journeys into walls.

As the snow melts, people think roads are safe again as they’re not blanketed in tell-tale whiteness. This is not the case.


Icy roads are demonstrably more lethal than snow-covered ones, which at least offer a modicum of traction. Black ice provides none. In addition, it’s deceptive because it’s invisible. But, like nerve gas and ninjas, just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not going to kill you.

Despite the antics of some idiots, the snow has actually helped to restore a little of my long-lost faith in humanity.

Early one morning, I found myself at the base of a steep hill rendered glacial by the weather.

Valiant though my effort to reach the summit was, I got stuck – as did seven or eight other unfortunates. But rather than sit in our cars, fuming and calling for tow trucks, we got out en masse and, without fear or favour, pushed each other up to freedom. Nobody got left behind.

That said, during our happy little shove-in, at least 10 4x4s tore past at speed. How many stopped to help, do you think? None. One goon even slowed down to mock us. I’m taking solace in the knowledge it’s only a matter of time before natural selection catches up with him.