Put your best (or worst, or funniest) foot forward on May 9th as part of the Walk In My Shoes campaign, which highlights mental health issues and aims to reduce stigma among young people.
Walk In My Shoes Day encourages people to wear slippers or odd, mismatched or funny shoes to school or work for one day. Last year, more than 100 schools and 25,000 students took part.
The campaign is run by St Patrick's Hospital in Dublin and its ambassadors include U2's Adam Clayton (pictured), who will auction some of his shoes on the day. Tiger Woods, The Original Rude Boys, Brian O'Driscoll, Lulu Guinness, Michael Flatley and Cecelia Ahern have also donated shoes for the auction, and you can view them in the windows of Arnotts, Dublin from April 30th.

You can pledge your support or donate at
walkinmyshoes.ie. Share your funky shoe pictures on Twitter and Instagram on May 9th by tagging #walkinmyshoes