So, you joined the office sports team; good for you and whether you were begged, bribed or blindsided, it’s time to grin and bear it because nothing says teamwork like a face full of mud.
First off, if you commit to something it’s important that you actually show up to a game or two. Yes, it’s cold and miserable and Martin’s shorts leave nothing to the imagination but if everyone else treks out to an automatic walkover in Skerries, you’re going to be the least-favourite person in the office for some time.
Speaking of those shorts, make sure your own kit is appropriate. A misjudged tackle to reveal barely-there undies is pretty mortifying – unless that was the idea. Aim for something in between your old school trackie and brand new, head-to-toe in Nike.

In theory office extracurriculars, and sports in particular, are supposed to be fun. So with that in mind, let’s leave the work chat in the office. We get that Joe Blog in accounting didn’t sign off on X, Y, and Z and now you’re scuppered, but nobody really cares after 6pm.
Lads, passing is important. Okay, Carina drops the ball every time but we’re only here for the pints on the company card after the game so what does it really matter?
Remember, it’s only a game and chewing out your supervisor for letting in a goal won’t go down too well – particularly when you consider this quarter’s review and your proclivity for mid-morning desk naps.
Rachel Murphy