A guide to what's hot and what's not
What's hot
Off-season south of FranceIf you want to be alone . . .
Magnetti pasta Luscious lasagne from Galway.Rare ravioli. In many Spars, SuperValus and delis. Full listing on www.magnettifoods.com.
Pay day At last.Thank Mammon!
Louis TherouxBack on TV after a three-year hiatus.
Late Christmas cardsJust when we need cheering up, they arrive. Next year we're not sending any until January.
Booking St Valentine's Day treatsBefore all the good tables, rooms and florists are oversubscribed. Get on to it, lads.
What's cold
DiamondsSince the release of Blood Diamond, cubic zirconia is a girl's best friend.
Bamboo table matsCosy homes for microscopic bugs. Ew!
The salesOnly the dregs remain.
Two-hour check-insFor a 40 minute flight? No time to shop or sup.
Sunday cyclistsWith their three-abreast manoeuvres, they're worse than Sunday drivers.
Tripod's one-way trafficCan lead to all-night circling of friends in the Dublin nightclub.
•E-mail your Hots and Colds to index@irish-times.ieor text 086-8884141. Thanks this week to Grace Tierney and Andrew Dunne