The Irish Times Index

A guide to what's hot and what's not

A guide to what's hot and what's not


House-sitting Especially if the owners live in a castle, with a swimming pool and private cinema.

Glenart Castle All hands on decks as a pack of Ireland's best dance DJs move to Arklow for a night of clubbing tonight.


Dara O Briain He hosts Mock The Week, which starts on BBC2 at 10.40pm tomorrow night.

The sunny southeast Strawberries, new potatoes and all the broad new vistas on the N11. Who needs Carcassonne?

Karan Casey That voice from Waterford is on a new CD - Chasing the Sun; catch her live at Temple Bar Music Centre, June 8th.

Maureen Gallace Deserted landscapes mindful of Edward Hopper. Opens today at the Kerlin Gallery.

Limoncello A shot of this brings us back to the Tuscan hills, but one's enough!

Gorillaz Demon Days It's on replay on our iPod right now.


Beachwear overload Do enough people actually go on sun holidays to warrant bikinis taking over 50 per cent of the shops?

Chainsaws in gardens Bring back old-fashioned gardeners and the chop chop of shears on weekend mornings.

Ghetto Chic Macy Gray's Diana Ross-inspired clothing line sounds more frightening than fabulous.

Summer TV Big Brother is back; Desperate Housewives is gone

Crazy Frog The ringtone that has become the most annoying pop single in years - and it's top of the charts. Chacun à sa grenouille.

Unrealistic expectations No, that slimming gel won't work if you're eating deep-fried brie.

Canned drinks Is anyone ever going to invent a more user-friendly spout?

Drama queens Oh, there always has to be something . . . and do you know, we're tired of you trying to involve us.

Compiled by Melanie Morris, Claire O'Mahony, Michael Dwyer and Karina Corbett