Mission Critical baby carrier
If the familiar soft pastel colour scheme of most baby carriers doesn't quite fit your self-image, US brand Mission Critical has a more tactical take. Flak-jacket chic it might be called. Styling apart, it's got plenty of useful features, including a removable liner for washing, sun shield and your precious cargo can face inwards or forwards. Molle looped strapping continue the tactical practicality to hook on vital hardware, like, eh, a soother. Available in a range of no-nonsense colours. $179 from missioncritical.cc (but not shipping here yet)

Coleman Kobuk Valley BlackOut tent
Camping holidays may have slipped down our pecking order of vacations, but more nights will be spent under “canvas” than ever before as festival season kicks in. And whereas getting up at dawn might fit the hardy camping holidayer, the average festival-goer might fancy another couple of hours of kip. Coleman’s BlackOut tents have a layer of black polyurethane, blocking out 99 per cent of sunlight. It’s also said to keep it 5 degrees cooler in the day and 1 degree warmer at night. There’s no suggestion, of course, that it’ll help the pain go away. Properly waterproofed, apparently some can pitch it in less than five minutes. From £60, see coleman.eu

Prynt Pocket Printer
The original version of this offered pretty much the same functionality, but was an altogether more cumbersome beast. The new iteration reflects that old aphorism about the electronics company being so successful it moved to a smaller premises. The Prynt locks into an iPhone (only at the moment) and can print your photos instantly anywhere. There's some digital magic too as you can embed a video in the photo that can be viewed through Prynt's app – a little like pictures in Harry Potter. €150, see prynt.co