Go Kids

BERNICE HARRISON on alternatives to movies and the mall

BERNICE HARRISONon alternatives to movies and the mall

How many children have ended their moist-eyed pleas for a puppy with the killer promise that of course they’d walk the dog, even if it’s raining, and even clean up after it? For children who have kept their side of the bargain, and others who need a bit of encouragement, tomorrow’s brilliantly named Bark in the Park sounds like a great idea. A fund-raiser for the Irish Blue Cross, an animal-welfare charity, it’s basically a sponsored dog walk – with a lot of fun thrown in – around one of Dublin’s best parks, St Anne’s in Raheny, on the city’s northside.

The four-kilometre walk around a specially paw-printed route will start at 3pm and take about 30-45 minutes. It’s more of an amble around than a race to the finish.

There will also be prizes for doggy entrants, including awards for the dog with the best bark, the dog with the waggiest tail, the dog with the shiniest coat and dog with the happiest smile. At the finish line each participant will receive a certificate of participation and a doggy bag (naturally).


The starting point is at the Sybil Hill Road entrance, beside St Paul’s College. Register there from 2pm tomorrow, with your donation. Or if you prefer, register today on www.barkinthepark.ie.

For more information, e-mail jenny@bluecross.ie