Break for The Burren:Heart of Burren Walks has planned a walk for Thursday, December 30th, at 10.30am which will include a visit to one of The Burren's finest ecclesiastical sites and archaeological monuments dating from prehistory to the 19th century. The cost is €25 per person (unwaged €15), which includes a packed lunch. Participants will need to be properly attired – boots, waterproofs, etc. For details, call 065-6827707 or see
Walk off Christmas:Work off the excesses of Christmas with a choice of guided walks for the hardened walker and the casual stroller on January 1st and 2nd with Croagh Patrick Walking Tours. There are a range of options available: €35 per person for a hillwalk and €25 for the low-level option. Prices start at €175pps for three nights' BB, two packed lunches, two guided walks and transport to and from the walks. For details, tel: 098-26090 or see
Enrol in a bootcamp:Make a healthy choice in the new year by joining NI Bootcamp for an invigorating weekend of activities in the Mourne Mountains. It includes hillwalking, mountain biking, rock climbing and/or canoeing before relaxing in the evenings with yoga sessions and massages. Accommodation is in mountain cottages, with menus designed by nutritional experts. Weekends start at €239pps based on groups of three or more sharing for two nights and includes BB, all meals, treatments and guided activities. For details tel 00-44-28-43770900, or visit