My holidays

Derry Clarke, chef

Derry Clarke, chef

What was your best holiday?Holidays in Cork, Kerry and Connemara have been the best when we had the weather. West Cork is lovely, quiet and very relaxing with nice beaches, good restaurants and pubs: it has it all there for you.

San Sebastian in northern Spain is a great weekend getaway. And, being a foodie, it is a real food destination with pintxos and local cider. It really works.

What was your worst holiday?Recently I went to Cheltenham for a day-trip to the races but it turned into 24 hours getting there and back for a half-hour flight to Bristol. Our flight was diverted to Birmingham, we went back to Bristol airport but it was closed. We got a 2am bus to Birmingham and we were delayed and got back at 6am! We got to go racing for just two hours so it was a bit of a disaster. I was sorry I went at all or didn't stay over in a hotel.


If budget or work were not a restriction, what would be your dream holiday?A cruise around the world taking in south America and the Far East and I'd love to see Easter Island and Antarctica.

I’ve done several cruises in the Caribbean and the Panama Canal, and the Mediterranean from Italy down to Croatia. It was great when the kids were younger as everyone gets something out of it.

The great thing is that it is all-inclusive of everything except beverages. At the moment the value on cruises is incredible.

If you had your pick, who would you bring on holiday with you?Sometimes I go away on business and when I go for a walk, I wish Sallyanne was there to share it as travelling on your own is not the way to go.

When we go on holiday together she likes to lie in the sun, I like to hire a bike or go sailing but in the evening we’ll spend time together. On city breaks we both like culture, museums and art.

What's your favourite place in Ireland?Sherkin Island off Baltimore in Co Cork is quite special. I spent time there as a kid. Everything is slower and more relaxed and when I'm working hard in Dublin I like to get away there. Anywhere the mobile phone doesn't work I like too!

Your recommended holiday reading?I don't tend to read much when I am away as I like to be active, but at the airport I do tend to buy boating and sailing magazines.

Where will you go to next?We will go to Portugal later this month for our 25th wedding anniversary. This year, Sallyanne turns the big 5-0 so we are looking at going to Hawaii with another couple in September as she has always wanted to go there.

In conversation with GENEVIEVE CARBERY

Derry Clarke is a chef and co-owner of Michelin star Dublin restaurant, l’Ecrivain