What’s Hot
Napping A 20-minute nap per day and your life will be transformed, experts say
Bum bags The 1990s favourite gets a 2014 update. Well, if Matthew McConaughey was spotted sporting one . . .

Shearling coats Top of our winter wish-list
Oh, Lisdoonvarna Singletons, get to Co Clare for the 157th matchmaking festival
Planning a winter sun holiday Where's best for a tan in January?
Viva Las Vegas After 20 years, couple scoops $2.4 million on slot machine
What’s Not
Ankle bracelets Yes, on a tropical beach … not with high heels at work
Summer-time food and drink binging Bring on the September detox
The Enterprise to Belfast Dead slow wifi all the way there and back
Celebrity fragrances Apart from teens, who is keeping this racket going?
The post-holiday balayage Dye job now looking a bit sad as the skin pales
Icelandic volcano warnings Stay calm, Bardarbunga, please – no repeats of 2010