139 jobs to be lost at three companies

Some 139 jobs are to be lost following the announcement of a number of business closures and redundancies in Kilkenny, Dublin…

Some 139 jobs are to be lost following the announcement of a number of business closures and redundancies in Kilkenny, Dublin and Waterford yesterday.

The rising cost of doing business in Ireland is being cited as the cause for the closure of SFL Engineering and the loss of 60 jobs in Callan, Co Kilkenny.

Fine Gael front bench TD Phil Hogan said the closure of the firm would have a serious impact on the local community.

"These 60 jobs are being lost because SFL Engineering is the latest victim of the rising cost of doing business in Ireland.


"It is particularly regrettable that a blue-chip employer like SFL is bearing the brunt of the Government's failure to address Ireland's declining competitiveness."

The multinational giant Unilever is making redundant 55 of its sales staff in Ireland. The announcement was made to staff yesterday morning. The jobs are due to go by the end of June.

Unilever made 125 staff redundant at its manufacturing operation at Inchicore, Dublin, last year.

Siptu branch organiser John Dunne said the decision was made without consultation with the staff, who were very experienced in selling Unilever products.

He accused Unilever of outsourcing the jobs to cut costs.

"We're not accepting that redundancy is the only game in town.

"If there is rationalisation involved, we can talk about it, but we're not accepting this. The staff involved have huge experience. It is not a question of them losing money for the company.

"Siptu will be seeking an early meeting with management to examine other options."

Meanwhile, the slowdown in the housing market has been blamed for the temporary closure of the Kingspan Century Homes factory in Dungarvan, Co Waterford, with the loss of 24 jobs.

The factory manufactures timber-frame kits for both the domestic and commercial market.

Local Fine Gael Senator Paudie Coffey said there were real fears the plant would not reopen.

"Kingspan Century is a significant employer in the Dungarvan area, and its closure will be a massive blow, even on a temporary basis. These job losses are a direct result of the slowdown in the housing market.

"This closure will have a spin-off effect on related jobs and businesses in transport and service companies in the area."