£400m rural development plan

A £400 million rural development programme dominates the agriculture Estimate, which totals £879 million

A £400 million rural development programme dominates the agriculture Estimate, which totals £879 million. The overall figure is a 6 per cent increase on the current year but, when the reduction in EU receipts next year is taken into account, it represents a 27 per cent net rise in departmental spending.

The development package comprises the Environmental Protection Scheme (REPS), funding for which is up 18 per cent to £212 million; the early retirement scheme, which is allocated £80 million; and the head-age scheme, which accounts for £122.4 million.

Spending on livestock improvement measures will rise 12 per cent to over £69 million, while the allocation for animal health measures, including disease eradication, is £56 million.