50 suspected of Christmas drink-driving

Over 50 incidents of suspected drink driving offences were recorded over Christmas Day and St Stephens Day 2006, provisional …

Over 50 incidents of suspected drink driving offences were recorded over Christmas Day and St Stephens Day 2006, provisional Garda statistics released today show.

A Garda statement said: "Garda enforcement activities in all areas of road safety will continue, with drink driving being prioritised for enforcement.

An Garda Síochana continue to encourage people not to drink and drive, and to drive within the speed limits."

In the run-up to Christmas, the Road Safety Authority (RSA) urged motorists to beware drinking and driving and in their annual Christmas messages, President Mary McAleese and Taoiseach Bertie Ahern reminded motorists to exercise caution.


While crash fatalities are set to be down by around 7 per cent down this year, Mr Ahern said there would be more mandatory alcohol testing, penalty points, extra enforcement and advertising next year.

"A lot of good work has been done, and there is a lot more under way to make our roads safer," Mr Ahern said.

Minister for Transport Martin Cullen said drink drivers would be held accountable for their actions .

The total amount of people killed on the roads this year to date is 364 compared to 393 for the same period in 2005.

  • Latest figures from the police in the North show well over 400 motorists have been detected for drinking and driving  as part of the Christmas/New Year anti-drink driving campaign.