Abusive smoker lost his flight

A Dublin man lost his holiday in the Canaries when he abused a stewardess who caught him smoking in an aircraft toilet, Dublin…

A Dublin man lost his holiday in the Canaries when he abused a stewardess who caught him smoking in an aircraft toilet, Dublin District Court heard yesterday.

Mr David Ward (27), of Cappagh Drive, Finglas, set off a fire alarm in the cockpit when he lit up as an Aer Lingus plane was taxiing for take-off at Dublin airport on August 2nd.

Garda John McDonald said the defendant had drink taken and was put off the plane because he told a stewardess to "f--off" when she went to investigate.

He consequently lost his holiday and had to pay for another flight to Las Palmas.


Judge Michael Connellan told Mr Ward: "You have to have manners. If you had said `I'm sorry' you wouldn't have been put off the plane." However, the Judge said Mr Ward had suffered enough already and applied the probation Act on a charge of abusive behaviour under the Public Order Act.