Adams has `a lot of questions to answer'

The Sinn Fein president, Mr Gerry Adams, has "a lot of questions to answer" at today's talks in Stormont, according to the North…

The Sinn Fein president, Mr Gerry Adams, has "a lot of questions to answer" at today's talks in Stormont, according to the North's Minister for Political Development, Mr Paul Murphy. Addressing the annual conference of the British-Irish Association at the weekend, Mr Murphy said: "A commitment to democracy and non-violence is the only basis for negotiations. We are consequently most concerned by the recent statement by the IRA.

"Sinn Fein has signed up to those vital principles and perhaps the IRA comments are a sign of what a serious step this is. We will be holding them firmly to these commitments. If they are dishonoured, for example, by any return to violence by the IRA or front organisations for it, let there be no doubt Sinn Fein will not be able to stay in the negotiations."

He said Mr Adams would be asked: "What's going on, Gerry, what's happening?" He would be urged to say whether the whole of the republican movement stood by the Mitchell Principles of democracy and non-violence. "And I hope all the parties will be there to join us in asking those questions. That is the value of face-to-face negotiations."

The Minister said there would be no change in the constitutional position of Northern Ireland as part of the UK without the consent of a majority of its people.


He addressed unionist concerns about the timetable for implementing reforms in policing. "Now I know there are concerns that the government is going to rush into reform of policing structures without proper opportunity for debate and scrutiny. So let me make clear that there will be plenty of time for detailed discussion and consideration. Any changes requiring legislation will be made by Bill."

On firearms legislation, he said the government would not do anything which was not appropriate to the North's circumstances.