Age of consent may be lowered to 16 in Northern Ireland

The age of consent for sex in Northern Ireland could be lowered to 16, it emerged yesterday.

The age of consent for sex in Northern Ireland could be lowered to 16, it emerged yesterday.

The move would bring the legislation into line with England and Wales. A new offence of sexual activity with a child would apply only to children aged 15 and under if a Northern Ireland Office consultation paper is implemented.

The crime of rape would also be widened and joined by an offence of sexual penetration using implements, both with a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

A spokesman for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) hailed the changes as a step forward.


"Anything which brings home the the seriousness of offences against children we would welcome. We hope this is the opportunity to have a good discussion about administrative arrangements for the protection of children who have been sexually harmed as well as their treatment," said policy adviser Colin Knox.

He added that the NSPCC needed more time to consider plans for the age of consent.

The main proposals are for:

  • A redefinition of rape to include oral sex and it would apply to both genders;
  • A new offence of sexual assault by penetration would carry the same maximum penalty as rape to cover assaults with objects;
  • The offence of sexual activity with a child would replace that of unlawful carnal knowledge and it would apply to all sexual activity, including boys and girls, aged under 16. Both sexes would be covered by all laws on sexual offences;
  • Greater protection for those with a mental disorder from sexual offences;
  • Changes to allow criminal law to recognise sexual abuse within families;
  • The consultation period for responses runs until October and Criminal Justice minister David Hanson said it would modernise legislation on sexual offences.

"Our aim in reforming the law is ultimately to provide the public with the maximum protection from this type of particularly traumatic crime and to make it easier to prosecute and convict the guilty," he said.

"We want to ensure that children are as safe as they can be from both predatory and familial abuse." - (PA)