The Taoiseach has said his choice of Ireland's next EU Commissioner will be influenced by the portfolio offered by the Commission President, Mr Romano Prodi.
Speaking after a meeting in Dublin with Mr Prodi, Mr Ahern said he wanted "to continue the tradition of having a high-powered person in a high-powered portfolio". Mr Prodi said he intended to have a strong Commission, and said he was asking the Taoiseach to nominate "a high-profile Commissioner".
Mr Prodi said he would like the name of the proposed Irish Commissioner to be submitted to him "just after the European elections" on June 11th. He planned to have the new Commission organised by the middle of July.
He did not indicate what portfolio would be available to the Irish nominee. However, he noted that Ireland had traditionally held important posts in the Commission, including Competition, Agriculture and Social Affairs.
Mr Ahern said he had "a range of people" in mind for the job and would try to match a suitable person to the portfolio that would be available to an Irish Commissioner. "It is useful to put a person into a portfolio in which they would have some expertise and some knowledge."
Mr Ahern, Mr Prodi and the Tanaiste, Ms Harney, discussed Mr Prodi's plans to reorganise the Commission. According to Mr Ahern, there was no discussion of names or individual portfolios.
Mr Prodi said his Commission would be much more "balanced" than in the past. He indicated that he intended to reorganise the portfolios so they would not be perceived to have major differences in importance and power, as had been the case.
Mr Prodi also met the Fine Gael leader, Mr John Bruton, for lunch during his visit to Dublin yesterday.