Ahern to raise Colombia Three issue at Mexico summit

The Taoiseach has arrived in Mexico for a two-day summit of regional and European leaders.

The Taoiseach has arrived in Mexico for a two-day summit of regional and European leaders.

The summit, which is taking place in Guadalajara in Mexico, is being attended by EU, Latin American and Caribbean leaders.

They will discuss the reform of the United Nations, human rights, the International Criminal Court and the fight against terrorism, illegal drugs and corruption.

Mr Ahern is expected to meet President Uribe of Colombia to discuss the case of the three Irishmen who are still in jail in Bogota.


The Government sent official letters to Colombian authorities earlier this month urging them to allow the three Irishmen acquitted of training Farc rebels to return home.

Niall Connolly, James Monaghan and Martin McCauley have been told they cannot leave the country until an appeal against their acquittal is heard.  They were found guilty in a Bogota court last month of travelling on false passports but cleared of training the Marxist rebels.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Cowen, said he and the Taoiseach had sent personal messages to the Colombian president and foreign minister calling for the men to be allowed home.