Anthrax traces found in US House mailroom

Traces of the potential germ warfare agent anthrax were found in a mailroom of an office building of the US House of Representatives…

Traces of the potential germ warfare agent anthrax were found in a mailroom of an office building of the US House of Representatives, an aide to House Democratic leader Mr Richard Gephardt said today.

Spokeswoman Ms Kori Bernards said the mailroom was located in the Ford House Office Building, three blocks from the US Capitol.

Ms Bernards said the anthrax traces were found in an area of the facility where mail is directed to the Longworth Building, which houses the offices of Mr Gephardt and House Speaker Mr Dennis Hastert.

The announcement of the discovery came five days after over two dozen people were exposed to anthrax after a letter laced with the substance was opened in the office of Senate Democratic leader Mr Tom Daschle.