Appeal renewed for missing woman

COLLEAGUES OF missing woman Monica Riordan handed out leaflets and posters in Dublin city centre yesterday, 17 days after she…

COLLEAGUES OF missing woman Monica Riordan handed out leaflets and posters in Dublin city centre yesterday, 17 days after she disappeared.

The renewed appeal came as gardaí confirmed a new last sighting of the 39-year-old Pobal worker on the day she went missing.

Ms Riordan appeared “disorientated and confused” when last seen at the Macken Street junction of Pearse Street at about 5pm on December 20th, gardaí said. She walked along Macken Street from under the railway bridge towards Pearse Street on the “wet and cold” evening, gardaí said.

The latest verified sighting was a result of leafleting on Monday. Many colleagues distributed leaflets in the Dublin 2 area and around train stations again yesterday.


Bernie Furlong of Pobail urged people to cast their memory back to the Tuesday before Christmas.

She asked them to come forward even if they were not certain about their information.

“We are trying to put a jigsaw together of the last sightings of Monica,” she said.

The previous last sighting of Ms Riordan was at about 3pm at the Spar shop on the junction of Horgan Place and Grattan Street where she was caught on CCTV.

She disappeared from her Holles Street workplace earlier that day at about 11am.

Ms Riordan is originally from Finglas in Dublin but lives with her partner in Navan, Co Meath.

She is described as of average height and medium build with shoulder-length blonde hair. When last seen she was wearing a long grey coat (with a hood), sunglasses, a dark handbag, dark jeans and grey or white trainers.

A Find Monica Riordan Facebook page has been set up. Anyone with information is asked to contact to contact Pearse St Garda station 01-6669000 or the Garda confidential line 1800 666 111.

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery is Deputy Head of Audience at The Irish Times