Assaulted man's blood on attacker's clothes, court told

The blood of a machete attack victim was found on the clothes of a man after his release on bail, the High Court in Belfast heard…

The blood of a machete attack victim was found on the clothes of a man after his release on bail, the High Court in Belfast heard yesterday. Forensic tests now link Patrick Mongan (21) to the attempted murder of English tourists James and Kath Fordyce in their camper van in Co Louth, a Crown lawyer said.

The discovery was only made after Mr Mongan's lawyer won his release from jail earlier this month by claiming there was no forensic evidence connecting him to the attack in Carrickdale, Co Louth, last June.

Opposing a bail application by his co- accused, prosecuting counsel Joe Aiken told the court how Mr Mongan had claimed a busted lip during a struggle with police caused the bloodstains on his clothing.

"That case is now entirely different," Mr Aiken said. "I'm now instructed by police that the forensics say Mr Fordyce's blood is on the machete and also on Mr Mongan's clothes. There is now very clear linkage between Mr Mongan and the offence.


"Unfortunately that information was not available to the court on November 12th."

Patrick Mongan, Whiterise, Belfast, and Elias Boswell (21,) have both been accused of the attempted murder of Mr and Mrs Fordyce of Skegness, Lincolnshire. Further charges against them include aggravated burglary, hijacking and arson.

Refusing the application, Lord Justice Higgins said the forensic developments considerably changed the character of the case against Mr Mongan.