Assets bureau seizes €17,360 in cash from drug dealer

A drug dealer has had just over €17,000 in cash seized by the Criminal Assets Bureau (Cab) in one of the first of a series of…

A drug dealer has had just over €17,000 in cash seized by the Criminal Assets Bureau (Cab) in one of the first of a series of bureau cases aimed at low and middle ranking criminals.

Jeffrey Bryan (31), Walkinstown Park, Drimnagh, Dublin, was found to have €17,360 in cash at his home and in a vehicle when searches were carried out by gardaí from Crumlin Garda station.

The discovery of the money was brought to the attention of the bureau, which was granted an order by the High Court yesterday allowing for their confiscation on the grounds the funds were the proceeds of crime.

Bryan has an extensive criminal record with 15 convictions, five of which relate to possession of illicit drugs. The High Court was told he had no legitimate income that would explain the money.


Cab head Det Chief Supt John O'Mahoney said in his evidence that he believed Bryan to be actively involved in the supply and sale of drugs in Dublin. He added Bryan and his associates were engaged in organised crime.

Bryan did not contest the action after the bureau's evidence was put to him. He made no efforts to have the money returned to him. He failed to engage with gardaí beyond being questioned a number of times and made no legal challenge to the bureau's action against him.

The sum of money involved in this case is much lower than traditional proceeds of crime actions taken by the Criminal Assets Bureau. Usually it has only pursued more significant players because the returns are greater and because even relatively minor cases warrant the same Garda manpower as cases involving leading criminals.

The Bryan action follows a case during the summer in which a BMW car was confiscated from another Dublin criminal. The bureau plans to pursue other similar cases in an effort to disrupt the activities of emerging criminals before they become established.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times