ASTI members vote to stay outside ICTU

The ASTI union has voted overwhelmingly to remain outside the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and to stay separate from the TUI…

The ASTI union has voted overwhelmingly to remain outside the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and to stay separate from the TUI.

On the final day of its Annual General Conference in Limerick, ASTI delegates voted by a majority of two to one against rejoining ICTU. The motion on a possible partnership with the TUI was defeated by 246 votes to 115.

It is understood many delegates remain bitter about the lack of support from ICTU and the TUI for the ASTI's 30 per cent pay claim. The ASTI has operated independently of other unions since it launched its campaign for the pay rise.

The campaign ended recently when the 17,500 member-union defied its leadership and voted in favour of the benchmarking pay awards.


In often heated debates there was criticism too for the union's leadership, particularly the General Secretary, Mr Charlie Lennon. The role of the General Secretary will be discussed in a private meeting of the Central Executive Council tomorrow.

Today also saw the resignation of the union's National Organiser, Mr Noel Buckley, after one year in the post.

It is understood Mr Buckley became frustrated by the deep divisions within the union and the shadow cast by the failure of its pay.

Mr Buckley said the union required outside expertise to reorganise the party and identify its targets and goals for the future.

Mr Buckley had been in favour of the pay 30 per cent pay rise campaign and was of the decision by the ASTI to leave ICTU and oppose benchmarking.

As one of his final acts Mr Buckley presented a document highlighting a number of weaknesses in union.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times