Baltimore wins contract with four Italian banks

Baltimore Technologies today confirmed it has secured a contract to build the Identrus security solution for four large Italian…

Baltimore Technologies today confirmed it has secured a contract to build the Identrus security solution for four large Italian banks.

In one of the largest Identrus contracts worldwide, Italy's major banks will go live with the service by the end of 2002. Additional banks have already committed to start the service during 2003 and 2004.

The Irish firm signed the deal to build the Isecurity solution with fellow e-security group Actalis. The banks - San Paulo IMI, Intesa-BCI, Monte Dei Paschi di Siena and Banca di Roma - will go live with the service by the end of the year.

"This is the world's single largest Identrus implementation . . . Baltimore delivers a comprehensive PKI platform that both operates effectively within the Identrus framework and provides highly scalable world-class security technology for business-to-business trading," said Mr Paolo Soru, chief executive officer with Actalis.