Body to regulate judges proposed

The sixth and final report of the Denham group has recommended that the conduct of judges be regulated by an independent judicial…

The sixth and final report of the Denham group has recommended that the conduct of judges be regulated by an independent judicial body.

It should be informal and non-statutory, according to the report, and should identify areas of concern, deal with complaints and report annually.

It suggests that the Chief Justice should immediately establish a committee to consult with interested parties and prepare to set up such a body. This has been supported by the Minister for Justice, Mr O'Donoghue, who conveyed to the Chief Justice the Government's support for the Working Group's general approach.

This report also recommends an expansion of the family law courts, initially into a family law division of the existing courts, and eventually into a system of regional family law courts.


It contains a number of measures aimed at easing the access of the press and the public to court documents and proceedings.

In considering the question of court sittings and vacations, it suggests that the incoming Courts Service Board should look at changing the summer recess from August and September to July and August.

Fine Gael's spokesman on justice, Mr Jim Higgins, has welcomed the report and said that, in view of the Sheedy affair, he will propose it is fully debated in the Dail.

The Labour Party's spokesman, Mr Brendan Howlin, also welcomed the report, but added that a committee on judicial conduct should have some participation from outside the legal profession.