Boy's death after fall in shopping centre investigated

The Health and Safety Authority and gardaí are investigating the death of a young boy after he fell from an escalator in Dunnes…

The Health and Safety Authority and gardaí are investigating the death of a young boy after he fell from an escalator in Dunnes Stores in Blanchardstown Shopping Centre on Monday.

The child, who is understood to be eastern European, died from his injuries in Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, on Thursday night.

Gardaí, who described the incident as "very tragic", said the boy would have been two in April.

They refused to release his name.


A file will be forwarded to the coroner when investigations are completed.

Yesterday, Dunnes Stores extended its sympathies to the child's family "in this very tragic accident".

A spokeswoman for the company said the matter was being investigated by the relevant authorities.

She said it was not possible to comment further until the investigation was complete.

It is understood that the child was accompanying his mother on a shopping trip and was near the escalator when the incident happened at about 1.40 p.m.

The escalator links the Dunnes Stores clothing and grocery departments.

It appears that the boy fell over the escalator rail down to the lower floor.

Shoppers nearby were said to be traumatised by the incident.

The child sustained serious head injuries and was taken to the nearby James Connolly Memorial Hospital in Blanchardstown. He was later transferred to Beaumont hospital, where he died.

A spokeswoman for Blanchardstown Shopping Centre said the centre extended its deepest sympathies to the child's family.

"It's very sad, really and truly very sad," she said. However, she said it would not be appropriate to comment any further as it was a matter for Dunnes Stores.

A large community of East Europeans, particularly Bosnians, live in the Blanchardstown area. The boy's nationality is not yet clear.

The Dunnes Stores outlet is one of the anchor tenants in Blanchardstown and is one of Dunnes Stores flag-ship shops.

Blanchardstown Shopping Centre has become one of the busiest shopping complexes in the State since it opened in October 1996.

An estimated 15 million people passed through the centre last year.

Because of its proximity to the M50, it attracts a large number of shoppers from outside Dublin.

Alison Healy

Alison Healy

Alison Healy is a contributor to The Irish Times