Brennan unveils new air traffic control centre in Shannon

A new high tech air traffic management system which will handle 400,000 transatlantic crossings every year was today officially…

A new high tech air traffic management system which will handle 400,000 transatlantic crossings every year was today officially opened in Shannon by the Minister for Transport, Mr Brennan.

The € 83 million system and centre for the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) will be used to manage over 1,200 large jet aircraft, which daily fly through Irish airspace.

According to the Authority, from 2006, Shannon controllers will handle 90 per cent of all traffic between Europe and North America.

The new ATM system, known as CAIRDE 2000, is part of the IAA's € 115 million national programme to provide Ireland's airspace with one of the most advanced computerised radar and flight planning management systems in Europe.


Speaking in Shannon today, Minister Brennan said, "CAIRDE 2000 strengthens the IAA's position as an international air navigation services provider."

"The aviation industry is undergoing a period of immense change and the need for modern, reliable and integrated ATC systems is now greater than ever. I commend the IAA on this important achievement."

Mr Brennan said: "CAIRDE 2000 will play a pivotal role in securing the IAA's future in the new aviation environment of the Single European Sky." Minister Brennan quipped, "The Minister for Finance is particularly delighted that this project was funded entirely from your own resources."