Britain's relationship with Europe will not change under Gordon Brown, Prime Minister Tony Blair said today.
"The basic position of the government will remain unchanged. I think it'll be pro-reform and pro-Europe," Mr Blair told a meeting of European business leaders in London.
Mr Blair, will hand over power to Finance Minister Brown on June 27th, after 10 years as premier.
"The most important thing for us is to have a strong position in Europe but use it to argue the case for all the reforms and changes in Europe that are necessary, and I'm very confident that will remain the position of the new prime minister," he said.
Mr Brown is widely held to be more Eurosceptic than Mr Blair. He kept Britain out of the euro currency on economic grounds, despite Mr Blair's belief it was the country's destiny to join.
Mr Brown has also often issued admonitions for Europe to reform its economic policies and free up its markets.
But aides say Mr Brown believes EU co-operation is essential to tackle issues like climate change and terrorism. Nevertheless, analysts expect him to drive a harder bargain than Mr Blair.