`Brutal hatred' is condemned

The killing of Mr Terry Enright by the Loyalist Volunteer Force was greeted with dismay yesterday Dublin.

The killing of Mr Terry Enright by the Loyalist Volunteer Force was greeted with dismay yesterday Dublin.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Andrews, said he condemned the murder "in the strongest terms". It was the product of a "brutal and destructive hatred that has no place in the future we are working to create at the Northern talks," he added.

Offering condolences to Mr Enright's family, the Minister said the principal aim of the recent spate of murders was to undermine the talks process.

"They will not be allowed to do so - by the two governments, by the talks participants and, indeed, by the public at large," he added.


The Democratic Left leader, Mr Proinsias De Rossa, said the return of "random sectarian murder" over the past few weeks was an ominous development. If not halted, it threatened to plunge the community there back into full-scale conflict.

"These killings underline the absolute importance of all participants redoubling their efforts to find a way forward when the inter-party talks reopen," he said.