Budget cuts 'could marginalise Travellers'

The Government has been urged not to implement key McCarthy proposals which would "further marginalise one of the most marginalised…

The Government has been urged not to implement key McCarthy proposals which would "further marginalise one of the most marginalised groups in society".

In its pre-Budget submission published yesterday the Irish Traveller Movement (ITM) said key budgetary recommendations would have devastating impacts on Travellers' lives in terms of equality, accommodation, education, health and employment.

In particular the ITM is concerned at the proposed closure of the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and further reductions in funding to Community Development Programmes (CDPs).

"The already high rate of unemployment among Travellers (currently 70 per cent) would only increase, there would be further divisions between Travellers and the settled community, and the many positive achievements of the last 20 years would be undone."

The ITM are calling for adequate funding for Traveller support projects, the establishment of a National Traveller Accommodation Agency, continued promotion of equality of access, participation and outcomes for Traveller children in education.

Rose Marie Maughan, ITM Membership Development Worker said: "I realise as a country we find ourselves in very challenging economic times but marginalising the already marginalised is not the answer.

"If the proposed recommendations are implemented Travellers will be living a life without hope - in terms of our equality infrastructure and Traveller participation within policy development being eroded."

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland is Social Affairs Correspondent of The Irish Times